Monday, August 11, 2014

The Times ARE Changing...for me

“All we have to decide is how to use the time given us." - Gandalf (from LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring)

The one thing about life is that there will be change – whether big or small. In this case, it’s big and I want to share it with you.

"It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business." - Michael Corleone (from the movie The Godfather)

At the end of August, my contract with KUT ends. So, my time with them and the lovely city of Austin comes to a close. I have enjoyed my time there and I am thankful to have worked with a group of amazing people. I wish them great success in the future. 

"You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." - Morpheus (from the movie The Matrix) 

One of the exciting and scary things about transition is which path to take. Do you continue down the one that is comfortable or do you try a new path full of unknowns. I chose the red pill. I will be moving to the field of executive recruitment with a firm in San Antonio. I decided the time is right to try something new. It is an exciting opportunity and I am looking forward to it. 

Moving to San Antonio is coming back home. It will be nice to be closer to family, old friends and UTSA football games (Go 'Runners!).

"Hey, there ain't no word in Sioux for 'goodbye'." - Walter Crow Horse (from the movie Thunderheart)

The hard part of any position is changing the relationship with the colleagues in your former field. I will miss working with my public radio friends to tell the story of the human condition. I have enjoyed learning this craft from some of the best.  As Kevin Close states regularly that public radio is the last place for civil discourse and this is even more true in today's world. I know that will continue to be the case as the best in business are in public media. I look forward to staying in touch with you through our connections in social media, the phone and of course, seeing each other in person.

I'll be listening and will see you online.

"A thousand mile journey begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu

Here we go...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

On the Job Training (OJT)

One day you are coming into work to do your usual job and, next thing you know, a change has added tasks to your normal busy day.  In addition, some of the new duties include working in an area you have little experience  or understanding.  After the initial shock, the next question is - what do I do?

This is where the book "The First 90 Days" by Michael Watkins comes in handy. This book is a very good resource for leaders, whether you are new to the job or are a 'seasoned' pro, as it provides models to cope with such things as learning methods.  His idea of a learning plan is something that can be used throughout one's career to help with continually re-focusing on the important things.

Another resource is the team you have with you. They may be able to direct or instruct you with resources that are already in place.  This also allows for a time to strengthen relationships with team members that will pay dividends going forward.

Lastly, you can contact the vendor or client that is associated with the programs or projects you have 'taken' as a result of changes.

Most importantly, the key is not to panic. Take time to review and plan.

Good luck.

Friday, July 22, 2011

That's Where You're At!


I can't believe it's been this long since I posted on this blog. Of course, a great deal of excuses are going through my head right now as to why I have not posted, but the simplest reason is I forgot about it.

Alas, one of the most difficult things about a blog is to put meaningful content on a regular basis. I have had many ideas and even have a web site from Wordpress at

However, I have been doing a disservice to myself. Blogs are places for content, not apologies. So, I have committed to posting at least once a week for the near future about something that intrigues me.

I have great places to get content as I now live in Austin! 'Nuff said!