Tuesday, August 16, 2011

On the Job Training (OJT)

One day you are coming into work to do your usual job and, next thing you know, a change has added tasks to your normal busy day.  In addition, some of the new duties include working in an area you have little experience  or understanding.  After the initial shock, the next question is - what do I do?

This is where the book "The First 90 Days" by Michael Watkins comes in handy. This book is a very good resource for leaders, whether you are new to the job or are a 'seasoned' pro, as it provides models to cope with such things as learning methods.  His idea of a learning plan is something that can be used throughout one's career to help with continually re-focusing on the important things.

Another resource is the team you have with you. They may be able to direct or instruct you with resources that are already in place.  This also allows for a time to strengthen relationships with team members that will pay dividends going forward.

Lastly, you can contact the vendor or client that is associated with the programs or projects you have 'taken' as a result of changes.

Most importantly, the key is not to panic. Take time to review and plan.

Good luck.